Time for the hunt!

I always enjoy an occasion 🙂

Times to enjoy something different from the everyday and a wonderful opportunity to create family memories and do something fun. As a child I remember colouring eggs, and then hunting for them in my grand-father’s rose garden.

I like to keep things simple (as always) and so we bought a simple egg dying kit for a few dollars, boiled some eggs (that we’d be able to eat) and dyed them. I had four colours to work with and so I decided I’d do simple layers, making stripes or pseudo plaid patterns.

Dipping many times, starting with lighter colours (to have yellow, you can’t start out with any other colour underneath) and letting the eggs soak various lengths of time for different colour intensities, i explored what I could do. Having only four colours seemed limiting but I still liked the finished product and we all enjoyed the hunt 🙂

Happy easter!

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Diane Gattermann says:

    They look very spring-y. How did you get such crisp lines?


    1. Valerie N. says:

      Thank you Diane 🙂 as the recipe for the dye only calls for a tablespoon of vinegar and half a cup of room temperature water, when placed in a bowl, the liquid was not deep I sometimes placed the egg at the bottom of the bowl (only partially covering the egg) and was careful to keep it straight, keep it from moving so the line would be crisp.
      When it came to other colours, I used the metal tool included in the kit (kinda lie a wire spoon without a bottom and just heals the egg in the dye bath until the colour gripped to the egg- again, being careful to not move it (so line would be crisp)


  2. Louise says:

    Le résultat est très joli et on se demande comment vous avez pu faire ces lignes droites sur ces oeufs …!! Toujours aussi sympathique de voir ce que vous réussisez à faire en utilisant ce qui sous la main! 🙂
    Continuez votre beau travail!


    1. Valerie N. says:

      Merci Louise pour votre commentaire, en général, j’aime en effet, faire des choses jolies avec le plus simple des matériaux 🙂
      Pour les lignes droites, il suffit de baigner les œufs que partiellement, faisant attention de ne pas bouger 🙂


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